Full-Stack Software Engineer





i'd love to connect and talk about what we can build together! drop me a line, and I will gladly follow up.

buy your wines online

GrapesShopper is a concept e-commerce shop aiming to connect its potential clientele with great wines using an intuitive customer experience.

I had a blast with this project, as I worked in e-commerce for 9 years and was excited to see what my team and I could accomplish in roughly a week and a half's time.

Given my background, I was able to quickly identify a helpful database schema, and conceptualize what priority features should be worked into our PoC and ultimate deliverable. I decided to learn Sass on my own and implement it for this project, as well.

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technologies used:

  • HTML5
  • CSS3
  • JavaScript / ES6
  • SASS
  • Node.js
  • Express.js
  • React
  • Redux
  • PostgreSQL
  • Sequelize.js
  • Webpack
  • Git

Visually Showcasing NYC Datasets

Delve.NYC is a website that visually relays information about areas of New York City using a choropleth map.

Our mission with this project was to allow users who may be looking to move to different neighborhoods in New York City to compare those areas based on different criteria.

By leveraging NYC's Open Data project, we were able to gather GeoJSON files to help outline a map of NYC using SVG. We selected a number of datasets to base our visualizations on, including noise pollution and restaurant health grades. We paired the values from these datasets to the geographic data we had and stored the associated data in MongoDB, using schemas written in Mongoose.

With D3.js we were able to calculate color scales for our choropleth map, as well as build various graphs for more detailed comparisons.

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technologies used:

  • HTML5
  • CSS3
  • JavaScript / ES6
  • SASS
  • React
  • D3.js
  • MongoDB
  • Webpack
  • Git